10 tips to change careers or jobs and find new opportunities

We are now at a historic turning point where many more people are re-evaluating how they want to work and what changes are possible. That trend is your friend.

More people are quitting their jobs and looking for other opportunities. However, there are more jobs and job creation opportunities available for those who want to transition.

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How to change careers and begin the transition to a new and better job

Use platforms and apps like LinkedIn, Indeed, Big Interview and get information about certifications through online learning platforms to enhance your skills for jobs and roles that can be achieved based on your experience and knowledge.

Get a taste of the job market before diving deep into a transition.

Consider your graduate job (college, grad school, or professional degrees) in three stages: 25-35 is building a career for experience and reputation; 35-45 is the ability and authority to generate more income; over 45 is the search for meaning and purpose.

However, these «rules of thumb» have changed as many more people want the flexibility and autonomy to fit their work into their lives.

Meaning, purpose and well-being are now most wanted in all ages. You can negotiate terms of service and work harder than ever to meet your needs.

To get started, address the general questions of «Where do I fit in?» and «How do I add value?»

Here’s how to change careers in 10 steps.

1. Be flexible

Build your expertise on what you know, but expand your comfort zone in terms of region, field, or industry.

The same goes for the experience you use to apply it to new activities in the future.

2. List the criteria for how you want to work

Consider which job suits you best:

  • More or less systems, protocols
  • Long or short term projects
  • Hierarchy or team
  • Large division or small groups
  • More autonomy and flexibility in the schedule and the amount of time required to complete the task

3. Have an entrepreneurial mindset

Either take a job or do a job!

Consider working in a large organization or leading company in an industry, learn the practices and establish human networking contacts. Then find a niche where you are servicing the business or industry.

Many entrepreneurs successfully launch businesses by winning initial contracts with their former employers.

With global sharing platforms like Amazon, YouTube, and Ali Baba, anyone can start an online business with little or no capital investment.

4. Find out what you know has value, so you can get paid more

What discipline do you dominate? You must master what the market recognizes and values ​​(LinkedIn can guide you to keywords and descriptions).

Here are specific skill sets that will help build your perceived value:

  • Do you know how to create an application?
  • Do you know how to organize a meeting?
  • Can you take good meeting notes?
  • Can you apply data for problem solving and decision making?
  • Can you work in multidisciplinary teams and contribute to geographically dispersed work teams?
  • How good are you at understanding other disciplines, at being able to communicate with them? You don’t have to do their job, but you do have to understand enough of what they do to be a valuable player.
  • How well can you work with AI and cloud-based platform tools like salesforce.com, Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Amazon Web Services, Google Analytics, Microsoft Azure, and IBM Bluemix?

Those interconnected platforms will be valuable for your future.

If you know how to use platforms and you know how to work with geographically dispersed workers, you will be in demand, because that is how future work will unfold.

5. Learn to collaborate with others

Learn to compete to collaborate so you can be a valued member of the team. Other people can incorporate it into their organizations and teams. This is a very important part of the search.

If you don’t already know, consider these questions:

  • How do you learn to share success?
  • How do you learn to share credit?
  • How do you learn to be a good helper?
  • Can you follow instructions?

Be prepared to share your experiences that illustrate these strengths.

6. Work on your communication skills

Can you honestly answer these questions?

How good are your listening skills?

Can you handle defensiveness?

Can you give and receive signs and «read» people and events with knowledge?

Can you criticize and receive criticism in a positive and constructive way?

Do you know when to ask questions?

If you don’t know what you’re supposed to do, do you know how to ask for help?

how do others see you?

How do you interpret others?

How what is happening is shown, interpreted or perhaps misunderstood will be critical in determining what will happen for you and what will happen to you.

7. Set practical guidelines for your job search

Look for opportunities to work on projects that develop your experience and skills. Short-term or limited-time projects are good. Virtual and hybrid work is here to stay.

Be agile for different roles and opportunities that can be pursued simultaneously. Many people work part time while starting their own business.

Use this next year to build experiences and skill sets that can increase your market value.

Look for badges and certifications for micro-skills that will make you more valuable, like Google Certification for Education, Salesforce Trailhead for Customer Relationship Management, PRI Certification for Project Management, and more.

8. Use different platforms to search for work

Broaden your search and find multiple opportunities. Check out Flexjobs, LinkedIn, Monster and more.

9. Join online communities that share your interests

This will help you expand your circles and allow other people with shared interests to open doors of opportunity. Understand online collaborative job interviews – that’s where the opportunities are most plentiful.

Ask thoughtful questions and informed feedback, so your biggest champions connect with you and help you on your way.

You can also check the specs on job boards and see if there are any experiences or skills you need to hone or highlight to make yourself more attractive to potential employers.

10. Create your list of recommendations

This must come from reputable individuals who can attest to their skills and experience. Be prepared with research and good questions for interviews and inquiries. Recommendations matter.

Personal characteristics count more than functional requirements; Your courage, likeability, and team value should be highlighted, assuming you meet the criteria for the job requirements.

Here’s a checklist for your LinkedIn profile before you start your search:

  • Did you incorporate the language that describes your skills?
  • Can you articulate a clear focus for your career?
  • Did you describe skill sets that highlight the value of your own experience?
  • Did you list your previous job and achievements to match points one and two?
  • Did you upload a video that presents who you are in an informative, engaging, focused and enjoyable way?
  • Did you get endorsement of your skills and recommendations that support your description of yourself from credible bosses, colleagues, teachers, and others?
  • Did you reach out and receive LinkedIn endorsements to provide a wider network?
  • Did you list organizations and community interest groups that you have joined or affiliated with within your chosen field?
  • Have you uploaded your CV to describe your work and achievements?
  • Does your LinkedIn photo (please smile and look friendly) and copy look and read professional (no grammatical and spelling errors, short and sweet)?

And finally, ask yourself what you would really like to do if you were not afraid.

If you are clear about how you want your work to reward you, the type of people you would like to work with, and the purpose or passion you share, others will open doors for you to walk through.

You have more degrees of freedom to change your current job and seek new challenges than you imagined. Now is the time to start learning how to change careers and find a more fulfilling life for yourself.