10 superstitions that attract good luck

If you are a superstitious person then we recommend you pay close attention to this article because it is full of omens for good luck.

Superstitions that try to attract good luck range from small gestures to elaborate actions and exist in cultures around the world. To find a four leaf clover, carrying a rabbit’s foot, crossing your fingers… are considered symbols of good luck by many, but the fact that they are the most popular gestures does not mean that they are the only ones. There are countless actions that people do to become magnets of good fortune.

basketball legend, Michael JordanAccording to multiple sources, he wore the same pair of shorts under his NBA uniform every time he played a game. tennis star, Serena Williamslaces up the same way in the moments leading up to each matchup and always bounces the tennis ball five times before the first serve.

Meet some of the most famous superstitions in the world:

1. In Denmark, people save their broken dishes throughout the year to throw on New Year’s Eve.

Danes throw broken dishes at the houses of their friends and family as a way of wishing the recipient good luck in the coming year. Some children choose to leave a pile of broken dishes on the doors of their friends and neighbors, in a less aggressive option to wish them prosperity.

2. In China it is believed that good fortune enters your life through the front door.

Just before New Year, the Chinese follow the tradition of thoroughly cleaning their houses to bid farewell to the previous year, but to avoid sweeping away all that good luck, the house is swept inwards. The dirt is collected in a pile and carried out the back door to the street. In fact, no cleaning is done during the first two days of the New Year, so good luck is not removed.

3. Instead of seeing a bird evacuating on them as a nasty surprise, Russians welcome it as a sign of good luck.

For Russians, bird droppings mean an economic boom is on the way.

4. Some people believe to attract good luck and keep nightmares away, a horseshoe should be hung with its ends pointing upwards in the bedroom.

This belief stems from the fact that a horseshoe has seven holes, a number that has always been considered lucky. In addition, the material with which the horseshoe is made is iron, which supposedly has the power to ward off evil spirits that can haunt your dreams. Thus, the combination of the number 7 with iron makes the horseshoe an object that wards off bad luck and attracts good luck.

5. In the Netherlands and Switzerland some newlyweds plant a pine tree outside their house to bring good luck and fertility to the marriage.

Other couples incorporate trees into their wedding ceremony, believing that the trees will bring good luck and bless their union.

6. The number 8.

The Chinese schedule marriages on dates involving this number, and everything from flight codes to phone numbers are luckier if there’s an eight in them. With this superstition in mind, the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing began at 8:08 PM on 8/8/2008.

7. According to Serbian folk legends, pouring water behind someone is a great way to bring them good luck.

The moving water is flowing and smooth, conferring good luck on the person who spills behind it. Serbs pour water behind their friends and family members who are preparing to take a test, face a job interview, or go on a journey with the intention that good fortune be with them in these situations.

8. Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.

This popular wedding tradition is said to have originated during the Victorian era and involves giving the bride various gifts. One is something old and represents continuity; another is something new and represents hope and the future; the third is something borrowed and symbolizes borrowed happiness, while the last one is blue and is supposed to bring purity, love and fidelity.

9. Make a wish on a star.

Legend has it that wishing for something when you see a shooting star makes your wish come true. This idea is believed to have originated in Europe, when the Greek astronomer Ptolemy, around 127-151 AD, wrote that the gods occasionally, out of curiosity, even boredom, look down at the earth, producing the phenomenon of the Shooting Star. Since the gods are watching us right now, they tend to be more receptive to the wishes we make.

10. Irish brides add little bells to their wedding dresses, jewelry or bouquets.

The bells are used as a symbol of good luck because the ringing supposedly discourages evil spirits intent on destroying the union. Guests can also ring bells during the ceremony or give bells to the couple as a wedding gift.

Taken from Report XXI