10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You That Your Life Is About To Change

Signs like this are not uncommon – many of us see signs that indicate a new direction needs to be taken in our lives. When we listen, we are guided to a better life. But when we don’t listen, if we don’t pay attention, life often becomes more difficult.

What happens when we overlook or ignore what these signs of the Universe mean? The transformations become more difficult and suddenly life altering. It becomes more difficult to pay attention.

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The Universe shares messages with us and our unconscious mind every moment of every day. This means that our whole life is a reflection of the conversation with everything that is.

Some of the communication styles are gentle reminders, and some of the guidance is powerful. Sometimes they will tell you that you are on the right track, while other times they are a clear sign that change is necessary (and imminent).

Here are 10 signs from the Universe that can guide you towards an easier and more abundant life.

1. You found blocks in your life.

One of the most common spiritual signs that your life is about to change are the so-called blocks. These are events that prevent you from moving forward in the desired way.

They come in many forms. Sometimes lockdowns require a pause. Other times, the related events are so significant that the outside world seemingly shuts down and you have no choice but to turn inward.

No matter how blocks appear in your life, remember to pause, look, and listen.

2. You are losing things.

If you are going through a time where you are losing friends or work, things, thank the Universe. This may sound unfunny, but the Universe will remove what no longer serves you.

The release of old patterns, thoughts and beliefs occurs when you let go of people and identities.

3. You are inspired.

When you have created space for change in your life, inspiration will come.

This may appear as a new creative expression. It could also be discovering something you want to study or a new place to live. Inspiration brings that excitement for life back into your world.

4. You are making healthy choices.

As you discover inspired living, you’ll naturally look to nourish your mind, body, and soul with healthy choices. You may feel driven to meditate, eat healthy, and live a balanced lifestyle.

5. You are learning something new.

The Universe will bring many teachers and mentors into your life. Sometimes, they are clearly marked as teachers. For example, Jesus. Other times, your teacher may be disguised as your child, spouse, or co-worker.

The teacher will always bring opportunities for self-discovery.

6. You find your soul group.

The Universe will help you manifest your soul group. These are the people in your life that you feel most aligned with when you are healthy and vibrant.

The key is that when you really listen, the soul group will find you.

7. You feel a sense of belonging.

Synchronicities are those magical moments when the Universe says, «You are exactly where you need to be.» You have mastered the art of listening.

8. You feel comfortable.

You are experiencing tranquility in your life. It is as if a miracle happened. No blocks are insight. You feel supported in life.

This is an indication to move forward in your life plans.

9. You feel transformed.

There is always guidance camouflaged by life changes. This is what transformation brings.

If the message is not clear, go within and ask the Universe for clarity. The easiest way to receive clear messages is a constant meditation practice.

10. You celebrate the good things.

As you gain experience in manifesting with the guidance of the Universe, you will have genuinely good things to celebrate.

You will be rewarded and guided by manifestations and miracles. Please take the time to share your gratitude for the guidance that has brought you to a place worth celebrating.

We are guided to completely let go of expectations.

This frees us from patterns and blocks that have resided in the vain attempt to control life. On the exhale, we relax and merge with an experience that contains passion, truth, and all that is.

Faith in creation allows our hearts to experience healing. This is where our mind, body, and soul come together and work in unison. This can only be achieved with confidence in the guidance we receive.

This is not self-abandonment.

When we merge with the universal energies, we are guided to our higher self. What we lose is the notion that there is something to fear or to control.

The gift of this life is in the free flow of consciousness, love and light.